Richard G.E. Pinch
Mathematics research page
My research interests have been in computational number theory,
the arithmetic of elliptic curves, Diophantine equations;
algebraic combinatorics; machine learning and public-key cryptography.
I have recently been interested in model theory, string algorithms, and
in Carmichael numbers and pseudoprimes.
I am a member of the
London Mathematical Society;
a Fellow
of the Institute of Mathematics and its
Applications and a
Chartered Mathematician and
Chartered Scientist.
For 2021-2022 I was Vice-President,
Professional Affairs and Industry, of the IMA, and a
the Council of the LMS.
My Erdos number is 3 (via
Swinnerton-Dyer -- Davenport).
Email me at
See a complete list. My ORCID id is 0000-0002-4370-5882, my SCOPUS is id 6603105329 and my ResearchGate page is here.
Recent work
- Enumerating words with forbidden factors: some things
that could be better known, London Stringology Day, February 2019
- From CATAM to Quantum, Trinity Mathematical Society Centenary, February 2019
- Knowledge Exchange in Mathematics: progress and
prospects, IMA Academic Representatives meeting, January 2019
- Reflections and Vision: the Newton Gateway to
Mathematics, Isaac Newton Institute, January 2019
- Computing the Future: and what it means for
mathematics, Liverpool Mathematical Association, October 2018
- Quantum Computing: what it means for
cybersecurity, British Science Association, February 2017
- Mathematics, Science and Cybersecurity,
IMA, April 2016
- Big Data: mathematical challenges
Birmingham University, January 2016
- Wikipedia vs Academia: a clash of cultures,
Wellcome Foundation, September 2015
- Big Data: mathematical challenges,
Royal Institution, October 2014
- Mathematics and Global Security,
IMA Mathematics of Planet Earth, March 2013
- Primes and pseudoprimes,
British Mathematical Colloquium 2010,
Edinburgh, April 2010
- PRIMES is in P: Arithmetic at random,
Algorithms Days 2008, March 2008
- Absolute quadratic pseudoprimes,
Conference on Algorithmic Number Theory, Turku, May 2007.
- The Carmichael numbers up to 10 to the 21,
Conference on Algorithmic Number Theory, Turku, May 2007.
- Primes and pseudoprimes,
Heilbronn seminar, Bristol, October 2006
- Pseudoprimes and Carmichael numbers,
Number theorists
weekend, Banff, November 2004.
- Carmichael numbers: theory and practice,
Explicit methods
in number theory, Banff, November 2004.
- Carmichael numbers,
Number Theory Seminar, February 2004.
Carmichael numbers and pseudoprimes,
in Honour of Hugh Williams, Banff, May 2003.
- Carmichael numbers with three prime factors ,
Royal Holloway, February 2002.
- The pseudoprimes up to 10 to the 13,
ANTS-IV, Leiden, July 2000
- Pseudoprimes and Carmichael numbers ,
Oxford, March 2000.
- Squares in quadratic progression,
Oxford, March 1998.
- Slides from the LMS
MathFIT workshop
on Computational
number theory and cryptography held at the
University of Kent at Canterbury, 14--16
July 1997.
- Elementary factoring methods
- Practical cryptography
- Fermat's Last Theorem,
Singapore Mathematical Society, March 1997.
- Back to the Dark Ages:
RSA Data Security Conference,
January 1997
- also at
Oxford, December 1995
- Secret sharing:
RSA Data Security Conference,
January 1997
by Richard Pinch